Encased in darkness all alone, drowned a sea of my plight Being pulled farther down Voices, muffled, far away, shrieks of pain and terror Being forced out of my world There is light Crying for mercy There is blood Hoping for sympathy Filthy and naked I’m pulled from the womb I scream and am blinded by fear This is our son and he will be great and he will make us proud There is light Crying for mercy There is blood Hoping for sympathy Everyones smiling, amused by my pain This world is a cold heartless place He is so healthy and he looks so strong and he's excited to live This is what we’ve worked for The miracle of life He will grow and he will love us Why does he seem terrified? Our lives are changed now for good It feels as good as they’ve said Such a shame this newborn babe will inevitably end up dead I want to go back, but what is this? I am so ravenous Insatiable thirst for mothers milk So cold, helpless, cannot fight Arms of the giants embrace Squeezing me tightly and whispering evil What shall we call this child? Who shall we force him to be? Pass the child Clean the child Feed the child Love the child Who are these monsters round me? What is this body I'm in? Who is this person I am expected to become? Birthed into the physical Its laws are beyond me My scope of reference pales Limitless possibilities Who defines the formula? Who assigns the punishments? Who designed the cage I’m in? What have I done? Who consigned and left me here? Who decides who is to blame? Who decides that I am wrong? Who is in control? Force fed whats right Will does not apply Made to quiet down Will does not apply Will does not apply You cannot define Will does not apply You cannot survive Doomed to work with whats been given to me Can not ascend from what I am Must work to survive Ask not why I’ve come to wreck your life The blame lies With you, I had no choice And I know that its a shame We never get to choose where we start But we get a say in what we do and how it will come apart