I went over this And under this Only for you To flaunt your kisses on me. I traded my blue For the white collar. Waving one hand in splendor, Still, one hand's dipped in squalor. It's clear to me now, It's clear to me now, You prefer the wheat, But I'm the tare, I'm a tare. I was spinning So much I was falling apart, Trying to make a new day. But you will never wash off, So hush now, baby, And don't you cry, 'Cause this little baby's Going bye, bye, bye, bye, bye… It's clear to me now, It's clear to me now, You prefer the wheat, But I'm the tare, I'm a tare. Endlessly hoping to get your attention, Then you will find out I'm the greatest thing ever, Of course, then, you know we'll both move in together, But I'm a tare, I'm a tare. It's clear to me now, It's clear to me now, Endlessly hoping to get your attention, Then you will find out I'm the greatest thing ever, Of course, then, you know we'll both move in together, But I'm the tare, I'm the tare.