Altera Enigma

Demand A Broader View

Altera Enigma

Towing the party line,
Reporting their spin as fact.
Recycling their propaganda,
Enabling their act.

Force-feed us "Press Releases"
Packaged up as news;
Devoid of counter balance
Silencing opposing views.

Tugging at the heart-strings
While fogging  up the mind.
Manipulation through patriotism
They strive to keep you blind.

They view dissension as an evil,
Doubting Government a crime.
Your view point changed, their work is done
Through thought control sublime.

Talking heads mouthing forceful words,
From agenda driven, biased hosts
Closed eyed pundits spouting narrow views
And hollow patriotic boasts.

This is not news, not fair and balanced,
But a biased political tool;
We see this fact; this breaks your hold
We'll no longer be your fool