Altera Enigma

Through Glass, Darkly

Altera Enigma

Limited perception of unlimited Reality
Perspective lost, hidden boundries .
Search through darkness with imperfect vision
We see through glass, darkly.

Narrow view of the boundless realm
Where human perception is but a speck.
We grasp for truth with hands bound tight
By the limits of human frailty.

Our limited mind struggles with creation
that is not restricted by human reach.
Acknowleging limit frees the mind to 
See the truth beyond our senses. 

Kebenaran hadir dalam pola pandang
Tapi juga jauh di atas batas jangkau
Tak akan dapat kami rengkuh
Segala lingkup eksistensi

(The truth exists both within our sight, 
But also far beyond it's reach.
What we know can never be 
The sum of all existence.)

Limited perception of unlimited Reality
Perspective lost, hidden boundries .
Search through darkness with imperfect vision
We see through glass, darkly.

Narrow view of the boundless realm
Where human perception is but a speck.
We grasp for truth with hands bound tight
By the limits of human frailty.

Our limited mind struggles with creation
that is not restricted by human reach.
Acknowleging limit frees the mind to 
See the truth beyond our senses. 

Kebenaran hadir dalam pola pandang
Tapi juga jauh di atas batas jangkau
Tak akan dapat kami rengkuh
Segala lingkup eksistensi

(The truth exists both within our sight, 
But also far beyond it's reach.
What we know can never be 
The sum of all existence.)