Alter Bridge


Alter Bridge

Tom: D

Tuning: Drop C#

Intro/1st Verse: Light Crunch Electric w/ Acoustic Back Track




| Lost...                                                 |

1st Chorus: Distortion
Phrase 1: Played twice
[The second time phrase 1 is
played phrase 2 is played over it]

Phrase 2:

2nd Verse: Light Crunch Electric w/ Acoustic Back Track
| Own...                                                  |

|                                                         |

| Frustrated...                                           |

| Courage...                                              |

| Faithless...                                            |

| Disowns...                                              |

| ...while he still waits...                              |

2nd Chorus: Distortion
Phrase 1: Played twice
[The second time phrase 1 is
played phrase 2 is played over it]

Phrase 2:
                          |2:03 ^on the one beat      |

Detune and Touch Wah on Lead
Clean Electric w/ Acoustic Back on Rhythm
|-----------------------------------------|     there is detune
|-----------------------------------------|     and touch wah
|-7---7---7---7---7---7---7---7-----------|  x4 on all the octaves
|-----------------------------------------|  x4 played in the
|-5---5---5---5---5---5---5---5-----------|     bridge, if I don't
|-----------------------------------------|     have my FX I bend
|                                  |     them a little to give
|----------------------------------|     it that feel and
|----------------------------------|     use a wah pedal
|----------------------------------|  x4
|----0---0---0---0---0---0-------0-|  x4

[2:32] 3 Guitars
| Cast aside...                    |