Come and save me from desolation From this circle of hell Atmosphere of cold and bleakness Like a flaw in my eye Caught in the act of deserting In this wilderness Distant shape of my own life coming Beneath a veil of grief Sitting on the shady sideline Watching bigotry Manifest of utter madness Exploiting loyalty Misconceived by the flogging masses By these deluded sheep Mindless slaughter of the feeble Fulfilling god's design Dying hands to ring the bell that tolls for all of us Sanctify the ignorance for those who don't believe Created sick by the divine into a wicked cult Leading down the endless path of pretence Outside the bounds of pain Inside the acid rain Silently waiting for death to occur At war with humanity Sworn into secrecy Seeking salvation to shun loneliness Gloating in triumph in front of the masses Casting a shadow on generations to come Crippled by years of sheer assent and denial Leaving a hole in morality Translating the feeling of awe into hatred Path-breaking holocaust; the void is immense Perversion of spirits, subservient behavior Under the poisoned clouds of doctrines, we rot Dying hands to ring the bell that tolls for all of us Sanctify the ignorance for those who don't believe Created sick by the divine into a wicked cult Leading down the endless path of pretence Outside the bounds of pain Inside the acid rain Silently waiting for death to occur At war with humanity Sworn into secrecy Seeking salvation to shun loneliness