Alta Dustin

Ain't I Good Enuff?

Alta Dustin

(Good enough)

Rich boy, play it cool
Look down on me
But you're the fool
'Cause I've got nothin' to lose
And if you had your way

I know you'd choose me
Play it smart
Follow your head
But not your heart
'Cause I've got nothin' to hide
All my secrets lyin' deep inside

But you'll never know
Though you stop and stare
'Cause I'll be tonight
With a boy who cares (for me)

Ain't I good enough for you?
Ain't I good enough?
Ain't I good enough for you?
What's a girl like me to do?

Ain't I good enough for you?
Ain't I good enough?
Ain't I good enough for you?
Or would you rather that I did it like this?

Hey, boy, it's a shame
Listen to them
But who's to blame?
'Cause we could do it right
I could make you rock tonight

But, oh, boy, prеssure's on
'Cause girls like mе just don't belong
But that's okay, you're the boss
And I know what I've got's your loss

But you'll never know
Though you dream of me
And my tender touch
Is your fantasy

Ain't I good enough for you?
Ain't I good enough?
Ain't I good enough for you?
What's a girl like me to do?

Ain't I good enough for you?
Ain't I good enough?
Ain't I good enough for you?
Or would you rather that I did it like this?

Money can't buy love, it's true
It's the only thing that's comin' between me and you
So gamble on a girl like me
The stakes are high, but I'll set you free

But you'll never know
Though you stop and stare
'Cause I'll be tonight
With a boy who cares (for me)

Ain't I?
Ain't I?
Like this
(Ain't I good enough for you?)
(Ain't I, I?)

Yeah, you know
I sing for a lot of people
And, like, I don't know
You feel so vulnerable up there
It's like, I always have to ask myself
Am I good enough?

Ain't I good enough for you?
Ain't I good enough?
Ain't I good enough for you?
What's a girl like me to do?

Ain't I good enough for you?
Ain't I? Ain't I?
Ain't I good enough for you?
Well, I think I'm gonna do it like this

Ain't, ain't
Ain't, ain't
Ain't, ain't
Ain't, ain't

Ain't I good enough for you?
Ain't I good enough?
Ain't I good enough for you?
What's a girl like me to do?

Ain't I good enough for you?
Ain't I good enough?
Ain't I good enough for you?
Would you rather that I did it like this?

Ain't I good enough for you?
Ain't I? Ain't I?
Ain't I good enough for you?
Well, I think I'm gonna do it like this

With a boy who cares