Your so dead but you just dont know it Not breathing but yet still alive Why cant you just fucking die Nothing can satisfy your hunger Why can't you just fucking die Endless hordes dropped one by one I will not become the dead alive Overrunning this hell on earth Alive but not really breathing You are the scum of man The scent of death overwhelms you I watch as you rot You decompose underneath the ground Returning in search of your next feast I will destroy you and the rest of your kind Back to the depths of hell with you I watch as you rot Hiding beneath the ground How does it feel to be the walking dead Infecting the earth with all your filth How does it feel to be the walking dead Infecting the earth with all your filth I have come to make sure you return in pieces I will make you remain in dirt Flesh ripped and torn from your escrements Decomposing bodies lying dead everywhere Bullet wound penetrating your cerebral cortex Defiling your body dragged straight to hell How i love this form of torment Ripped and torn limb from limb Dead bodies everywhere flooding the streets Fuck everyone they all must die Shotgun facelift Decapitating all who come forth I watch you rot Decomposing where you stand How does it feel to be the walking dead Infecting the earth with your filth Shotgun placed to your cranium Brains displaced from the back of your skull Baseball bat Lobotomy I will destroy your kind Drag you back to hell And now you decompose Forever remain in dirt