I hid out for days In fear of the news, The doctors bow their heads and say: "There's nothing more that we can do, You see the cancer, it has taken her bones, We'll just have to wait and see, It's beyond our control." The treatments are stretching Scarce and thin, While your body is losing the battle Being fought beneath your skin, An army of white blood cells Collectively admits defeat, Rows and rows in their starch white sheets. If I could, I swear I would, Take your place, though I know you'd never have it Never have it that way. Our bodies are scarred with a trace Of all that has been done, Yet somehow, hope remains Then every holiday It's just the same routine of: "take it all in, take it all in This could be our last time as a family." Through the bitter months Our skin grows numb You're left lying awake Waiting for your time to.