Like a ship without a compass, I'm adrift at sea Doubting if I'll ever reach the horizon, where my dreams will be I try to light the way, but the wind will always blow Feel like I'll always be in second place, wherever I go Every time I try, I feel like a bird with broken wings Flapping and struggling, that never takes off still bound to strings People tell me I soar, but I can't shake off the fear That I'll always be stuck here, year after year Doubting myself every day and night Can I do better? Scream into the dark, I'm not alright Can I do better? Can I do better than this? In a sea of stars, I'm just a small flame Flickering and dancing, but never the same Feeling lost, like I don't have a place In this world where everyone shines with grace Can I do better? Can I do better than this? Doubting myself every day and night Can I do better? Scream into the dark, I'm not alright Can I do better? Can I do better than this? Like a ship without a compass, I'm adrift at sea Doubting if I'll ever reach the horizon, where my dreams will be I try to light the way, but the wind will always blow Feel like I'll always be in second place, wherever I go I give it all, like a seed in the ground But it seems like I'm stuck, never reached the sound Of what I am craving No matter how hard I try Always one step behind Doubting myself every day and night Can I do better? Scream into the dark, I'm not alright Can I do better? Can I do better than this? Can I do better than this?