The violent art of blasphemy The cold release of death The sudden smile when you know you're about to take your final breath Keep on reaching, 'cause there's nothing to find No reward for your pain There's always someone who will help you get up Then fuck you down again If we're being tested, everyone failed Won't make it through somehow For every wish and dream I've one thing to say We're all fucked now For every pitfall that you pull yourself from You'll fall back down again If there's a God, his gift to man is death Use it while you can And I'm sure you'll know When you find the way you want to go All is done, all is said And your way's as clear as a bullet to the head A final moment, a final prayer A string of nothings that go nowhere Whisper only to hear as you say It's just like hell and we'll all be there someday So now it's ended, there's no reason to stay but it hurts so much to just walk away and in a moment it's just as well but for a moment it's just like hell