Day and night have gone now Time to spawn now, a new dawn now Between twin skins Biogeny begins its spin Seeps along bionic skeletons Lines become vines become spines Holoplasma Growing, imperial A clasping miasma Conjoins Incubates What will awaken? Expands Incarnates What will awaken? An iron prism To hatch a star An iron prism To hatch a star Life seeking life finding life Surviving and thriving, the hive comes alive Lurching, searching, awed and flawed The church becomes God We cling, we dive, we float, we forever Calibrate and navigate Hiccups of wars Swamps of infection Distinction and extinction A sentient surge as minds merge What will awaken? Post-biotic ascension A continuous expansion All must converge now! What will awaken? The great beast stirs in a brand new body Profusion through astral veins Evolution sheds all chains What will awaken? Kaleidoscope to mosaik to hologram Code turns to spell Turns life forms to cells In circuits and covens The hive mind is woven Stirs in its shell The God oven In its shell The God oven