


Sharpened teeth
Bloodied hands
Hatreds guilt
Sets the stage
All the cast
Take their place
Knives are set
Blades astray
What's one life in
The scheme of it all

Products vie
Brings new strife
Mothers weep
Fathers die
Siblings bound
In blood for blood
Reason dies
There'll be no love
Twenty stabs
Lifeless palm
All you need for demise

That bitter taste, left to linger
Of kingdoms dreamed, with out hinder
Hearts full of bountiful soul
Working towards self-destructive goals

Peoples cries
Forums spite
Weary brows
Venus' shroud
Blades astray
Lives now leashed
On their kness
Mars appeased
Blood for blood
Sharpened teeth
All the cast
On their knees
Reason dies
All you need
Twenty stabs
Life now leashed