Alice In Chains

SAP (Álbum)

Alice In Chains

Tom: A

                       The EP by Alice in Chains
Song List in Order:
Got Me Wrong
Right Turn
Am I Inside
 A few notes about this song.  You MUST drop your guitar into a flat E 
tuning (one-half step down on each string).  As well, listen to the album
for exact timing.
Repeat Intro 4 times and play Intro.2 along with Intro after 4th measure
Repeat Intro along with Intro.2 until CHORUS
Chord Progression       
F  F  F F  F  F F  F  F F F F F F  A  Asus4 Asus4 Asus4  Asus4  Asus4
A A  A  A  Asus4 Asus4  Asus4 Asus4 Asus4  A A  A A A A  F F F  F F
F F  F  F F  F F  F F F  G5  G5 G5 G5  G5 G5 G5 G5
Return to Verses or Solo
                                                |--hold bend-----|
     ~~~~~                             ~~~~                               ~~~
                                                              |--hold bend-|
                             ~~~~~~~                ~~~~
                                                     ~~~~~~~        ~~~~~~~~~
End solo...
Repeat Intro until end of song
Got Me Wrong
Note:  Once again, tune down ALL strings half-step
(Rhythym Figure 1)
G#  G# G# X X   E E E E  E F#  F# F# 
(Lead Intro)
                 |---hold bend---|                   
Play Rhythym Figure 1
Chord Progression
 D  D  D D  F  F  F F F F  C#  C# C# C#  C# C# A  A  A A A A
Pre-Chorus Filler (first time only - played under chord progression)
Pre-Chorus 1 Lead (first time through)
                ~~~~~                                  ~~~~~
Chorus (After Pre-chorus second time through)
Chord Progression
 E  E  E E  F# F#  F# F# A  A A A  A A A  A  A A  A
Note:  When you reach the lyrics, "...sense too far gone from love that don't
       last forever," play Rhythym Figure 4 (along with the noted Fillers, 
Fill 2 (before Rhythym Fig. 4)
Rhythym Figure 4 (chord progrssion)
 F#  F# F#  F#  F# F#  F#  F# F#  F#  F# F#  A  A A  A  A A  A A A A A A A A
Fill 3 (right after Rhythym Fig. 4)
      \       /
       \ 1/2 /
     dive with bar
Outro Solo
Note:  chord progression under the solo is the same as used for the CHORUS
   ~~~~   ~~~~                                          ~~~~            ~~~
         ~~~~                                                           ~~~~~
                                  |-hld-|                |-hold-|
                           ~~~      ~~~~~~              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Right Turn
Probably my favorite off this album!
Note:  You must tune your guitar down one-half step on ALL strings
Chord Progression
G  G  G G  G  G G  G  G G G G  G  G G
E  E  E E  E  E E  E  E E E E  E  E E
Note: Continue chord progression until Pre-Chorus
Fill 1 - to be played along with intro
-5h7p5--------5--------------------    End with beginning of main verse
Main Verses
Play intro Chord Progression
Chord Progression
F  F  F F F  F F F F 
E  E E E  E E E E E  E E
F  F  F F F  F F F F              Note carefully the strumming patterns
E  E E E  E E E E E  E E
F  F  F F F  F F F 
E  E
G G G  G G  G G G G  G G G  G G G
A  A A  (Break to Chorus)
Chord Progression
E  E  E E  E E E E  E E E  E E  D  A  A  A
Asus4 Asus4 A  A A A A A A  A A G
Repeat Chord Progression one more time
Pre-Chorus (second time)
Fill 2 - Underlying solo 
Am I Inside
Notes:  A decent song.  I believe one of the members of Heart guest stars
        on this track.  Tune guitar down 1/2 steps on ALL strings
Riff 1
Repeat until verse section
Repeat Riff 1 twice, then play Riff 2 once
Riff 2
Now repeat Riff 1 three times, then play Riff 3
Now play Riff 1 one time and enter Pre-Chorus
Chord Progression
B Bsus4 B B B A A A  A A A A A  F# F#  
F# F# F# F  F F F F F F F F F F F F 
Note: On second time through, play Fill 1 along with Chord Progression
Fill 1
Fill 2
Note:  Play after second time through Pre-Chorus.
       This leads into the Chorus and becomes the Chorus
Chord Progression (same as Fill 2)
D     A      Esus4  E7     
h - hammer
p - pull-off
^ () - bend to a certain step (step will be found in parentheses)
^ pre() - pre-bend to certain step
^ ()r - bend to certain step then release (pull-off) to next note
~~~~~ - vibrato
/ - slide up
\ - slide down
6(7)~~~~ - trill (hammer on and pull off between two indicated notes)