"Harry! Take the garbage out!" "Yes, poopsie." (Fat girls) Ooo, can be so much fun Their mouths are motors (What a girl) So let their motors run After they have eaten you Out of house and home Strip down to your birthday suit And let them (halves?) explode Can't to back in their cake too much With only goes out for an occasional where to put! Can't to back in their cake too much Ooo, they're never gonna stop (What a girl) Fat girls (Yum) (What a girl) woo Fat girls can be so much fun! When you're done and satisfied You must throw them out Never have to say, for sure (Gross?) them out Feeding my special ladies Have but one thing to gain They want to have your babies They want you ball and chain They clean to back and they clean too much With only goes out for an occasional where to put They clean to back and they clean too much Ooo, they're never gonna stop (What a girl) Fat girls (Yum) (What a girl) woo Fat girls, oooouhhh Oooooh