Alice Clark

It Take Too Long To Learn To Live Alone

Alice Clark

I leave the house
I catch the bus and go to work
The way I did before
It’s the same routine

Most everyday except I guess I see my folks much more
A years has passed I thought by now
That I could make a new life of my own
But habits are so hard to break

I just think of you and I still ache
It take too long to learn to live alone
It’s really bad
When Friday comes because I know the weekend lies ahead

The walks we took
The football game and when it rained
How late we stayed in bed
I’ve done so much
To change the house the attic’s full of memories I’ve know

And yet when I turn out the light
I wait for you to say: Goodnight
It take too long to learn to live alone
I go on dates

But when I do I always find before the night is through
The same old thing
Behind my smile
I’m sitting there comparing him to you

And in the end
It’s always you I feel it even more when I get home
I thought that I was free of you
But I so wrong I just never knew
It take too long to learn to live alone