Back-tracking with the pack
3 more thugs, but I still cant stack
Up, to my brothers, were men at arms
United, we suspend their ability to inflict harm
Its ridiculous, this anarchistic, sadistic state of affairs
That our country has been dragged into, but nobody seems to care
six decades after the second world war
we humans never learn
is there anything left to live for?!

8 days pass, with my AK and I
Thinking about the bodies of my friends that died
Everyday it gets colder despite the sun in my face
Its my enemy, not us, that should suffer this fate
I want to ask one of them, if they believe in the mission
That their megalomaniacal leader has sent them, under the condition
Not to think for themselves, just to fight the other
Forget your goddamn morals, and die with your brothers

Day 21, battered and bruised
I only just started thinking, I desperately need to choose
Theres no point to this all, the guns, the killing
All thats ever accomplished is the perpetual filling
Of our mind with despair, our people with misery
Im sick of these politically games, Im not part of your symphony
Yes, this countrys mine to defend
There are other ways to fight, you know Im here to the end

The struggle, theres more than just one
Let me drop this piece of knowledge that you may just gain from
Theres the greater jihad, the struggle for purity
Reaching into ones soul to find the true meaning
Of peace, and indefinite placidity
Self-actualization, you should try it some time
Youll never feel more potent, never feel so alive
There is no greater diction I could use to summarize
Then theres that of lesser importance
The one which makes people seem to feel discordant
Its the struggle to protect, those that you cant neglect
Only when in harms way, are you able to sleigh
To shelter the ones you love, to keep your family at bay
Thats the lesson mothafucker, and dont you forget it
Dont you ever come to me with youre false pretenses
Your fictitious war is over, and thats the consensus