Keep your head up, a great man once said All things must pass, life goes on, this has lead Me to believe that, yea, were surrounded by death and violence But ill do my best to keep my head up, time to silence The cries of mourning, look up to the sky and Believe that theres still some hope in this world, A world that appears so bleak and weathered Keep your head up, take my hand, we can do this together A place in your heart we can never neglect Were here for you indefinitely, well never forget Take my hand and look up to the sky Keep your head up and remember, ill be with you till i die Keep your head up, it may seem insurmountable But the hearts and minds of millions can prove the impossible Its this strength we possess, and its time to show it We must push on through, we cant afford to blow it The tragedies and casualties weve suffered and overcome The excruciating grief of losing a daughter and son Keep your head up, well push on through together For you know, that in our hearts, they will live forever A place in your heart we can never neglect Were here for you indefinitely, well never forget Keep your head up, well push on through together For you know, that in our hearts, they will live forever