A bird woke me up this morning To sing me a little song To tell me some stories of Children with blue hearts, warning me And too many unheard still Too many crying, no dignity I don't look away no more We don't look away no more Ahhh I sing for life, for rights For the children with no voice For the soldiers with blue hearts We sing I want love in my life Ah ah ah ah Oh the heart of a child you're blind to Pour some light on the child with the blue heart Flows of us lost at sea But we're still fighting for our peace Oh our freedom must come Protection for the smuggled hearts Little girl calling inside of me She's got a blue heart and a voice That won't be heard by the world Oh too many years The world's gone mad I'm an eight year old begging for money On the streets of Dakar Tonight I'm running away from the Daara Though I've got no plans Ahhh I sing for life, for rights For the children with no voice For the soldiers with blue hearts We sing I want love in my life Ah ah ah ah Oh the heart of a child you're blind to Pour some light on the child with the blue heart Flows of us lost at sea But we're still fighting for our peace Oh our freedom must come Protection for the smuggled hearts We're living out of our bruised hearts We're living out of our blue hearts We're living out of our miracle hearts Ah Khol bou ler (coeur pur) Khol bou ler yaye boy (coeur pur maman) Souniou kholeyi dioyenaniou (nos coeurs ont pleuré) Té dakkal diayoum domou Adama Yi (Arretez le traffic humain) Té dakkal diayoum domou Adama Yi Ah ah ah Ah ah ah Khol bou ler I want love in my life Ah ah ah ah Oh the heart of a child you're blind to Pour some light on the child with the blue heart Flows of us lost at sea But we're still fighting for our peace Oh our freedom must come Protection for the smuggled hearts We're living out of our bruised hearts We're living out of our blue hearts We're living out of our miracle hearts Ah I've been dreaming of children Let's do right by the children of the sky And how much longer? When will it be over? Ahhhh Let the doves find their Sun Ahhhh