I would that I were again a child
And a child you sweet and pure
That we might be free and wild
In our consciousness obscure
That we might play fantastic games
Under trees silent and shady
That we might have fairy-book names
I be a lord, you a lady

And all were a strong ignorance
And a healthy want of thought
And many a prank, many a dance
Our unresting feet had wrought
And I would act well a clown’s part
To your childish laughter winning
And I would call you my sweetheart
And the name would have no meaning

Or sitting close we each other would move
With tales that now gone are sad
We would have no sex, would feel no love
Good without fighting the bad
And a flower would be our life’s delight
And a nutshell boat our treasure
We would lock it in a cupboard at night
As in memory a pleasure

And all were a strong ignorance
And a healthy want of thought
And many a prank, many a dance
Our unresting feet had wrought
And I would act well a clown’s part
To your childish laughter winning
And I would call you my sweetheart
And the name would have no meaning