


I-The locked infant 
What is this strange thing 
That exists inside my being? 
My world, my reality 
My box of future dreams 
So fanatic haughtiness 
Messianic truth 
This stupid way of loving 
That destroys my life 

Someone defecates on my life 
He enters my brain 
Makes me feel pain 
Makes me die once again 
But i can't get free from this worm 
That lives inside each drop of my pleasure 

Mutilated sanity 
Psychotic tenderness 
A demon whispers to me 
-'succumb to your madness!' 
I am lost inside this life 
I feel caged within my mind 
I must break to freedom 
Destroy my walls of self-control 

Self-control is a straight jacket 
Chilling my fire 
Refraing desires 
Teaching me to be sane 
Now the worm possessed my flesh 
And with a smile i will be free at last 

II-The awakening of the individual 
I open my wings willing to fly 
Illusions of greatness 
Feeling as a god would feel 
In his divinity 
I escaped from the void of my soul 
Seeking for something else 
Because i am not merely a man 
I am a force of life 

If society comprehend our world 
Why did they created moral? 
If humanity have freedom of will 
Why do they follow religions? 
I affirm that we are our own god 
And our own devil 
Able to saciate the quick of myself 
I understand that i can be imortal... 

III- The warning ( Last tear...) 
Open up your eyes before it's too late 
Exaggeration is the law 
Be free to yourself, surrender your ego 
Because you are not alive, you are dead in your life 

This is the fatidic end 
Of my insane tale 
I hope tou have understood 
My egotic prophecy 
We are the same pieces 
Of this somber chess game 
Being a king or a queen 
Is our reason to exist...