We both know it's over I don't wanna believe Even if you close that door You still got every piece of me You say you don't want it And I don't want it too So pull me close, may we'll talk about it tomorrow I'm so sad to know That you have to go Open your heart, in the deep Promise won't forget Me, and all the nights we spent together We could be forever Just hold me tight, stay the night No fights, no regrets You and me and fuck all the rest Do you still love me? Like the first month? Like you've always done? Lay with me, we talk about it tomorrow I'm so sad to know That you have to go Open your heart, in the deep Promise won't forget Me, and all the nights we spent together We could be forever Just hold me tight, stay the night Will you leave me tomorrow? Or stay other night? Tell me if I still in your heart Baby, hear me We were made for each other I'm so sad to know That you have to go Open your heart, in the deep Promise won't forget Me, and all the nights we spent together We could be forever Just hold me tight, stay the night You were my everything I don't want you to leave me You were all I need Why don't you love me Anymore?