
The fans


Before we ever made the headlines
Or toured the concert halls
We survived our share of barrooms
Stared at many motel walls
The years in Carolina
And all the one night stands
What kept the fires burnin', back then, was you the fans 

We two-stepped out to Texas
Round and round the dancehall floor
Played the fair in Minnesota
I wish we could've played one more
We hope you remember, we're just the boys in the band
And what keeps the fires burnin', is always, you the fans 

I wish this night could last forever
Oh, but the show must go on
We'll take home the memories
And we'll leave you with our songs
It's been good to see y'all
Can we come back again and again and again
What keeps the fires burnin' in us, is you the fans 

As long as you remember, the boys in the band