The stranger comes to town and he is greeted like a prince Society declares him wise and funny Celebrities are only decorations in this place What really matters here is old money His temporary lover has amber colored skin In a lush apartment in the city center Bankers like his company, they always let him in There is no door to tell him, “Do Not Enter” They’re following a dream, following a dream, sleepwalking Our boy’s become a member of a most desired club He has a fine address in the East 60’s If hipness could be diagrammed then he would be the hub And girls follow him around like sexy pixies There’s talk among the moneymen in Miami Beach The train is leaving, you don’t want to miss it Whatever it is he’s offering is there within your reach So, here is the ring, why don’t you kiss it? They’re following a dream, following a dream, sleepwalking But there’s a country house a world away from here Where accusations fill the room today Something has gone missing and it’s absolutely clear A servant left quite suddenly He didn’t ask for money he Just packed up and went quietly away Back inside the nouveau world the riche are sitting down They realize it’s time for some assessments Their charismatic friend is somehow nowhere to be found Along with their good will and their investments Someone said they saw him on a plane to Salvador Or maybe Moscow now the weather’s warming The lure of easy money keeps him constantly employed And it’s a social service he’s performing They’re following a dream, following a dream, sleepwalking They’re following a dream, willingly it seems, sleepwalking