Dreamer / it's another night In another world Hero fallen off the earth And I can't return / on and on In my direction / til the dawn And the sunrise burns Ain't going home / until the night returns The trouble with the mind Is you have yours / but who has mine? The problem with this place It's never-ending / too much space Hey hey / you crazy slave Don't drag that chain Stay awake / I escape tonight When lightning hits my brain / oh no Did I hear my name / there it goes In a psychic flame / now you know I can't be tamed Just send me back insane The trouble with the mind Is you have yours / but who has mine? The problem with this place It's never-ending Better listen up here child I'll give it to you light We were fighting in the dark there We were fighting each other Well they came from the pit Came right from the devil's mouth And now they keep talking going on And now they keep talking going on and on And now they keep talking going on That's the spell That's the hell