


(And one day, H. Nafets appears)
(H. Nafets: ) If I could wait a few instants more,
To see what lies behind the door...
What a surprise? Your husband's mother...
What news may she bring in that letter?
And you know what? You must be right:
Let's disregard its seal...
Made of a wax drawing Shyrya's Might...
We'll just close our eyes to make it unreal?

Theatre of hubris, curtain falls: Nemesis!
(Nimim: )You? Omen king,
which face now sings?

Why a god now down here?,
The mischievous jackal seer...
Why you? It can't make sense!
Or to flay a lamb of his innocence?
It's not me! I did nothing! As I swore last spring...
Anyway... My last volition:

Know that a mother would give all to save her son!

(H. Nafets: ) Well, well... What?
Shall come with me the murderer:
So, your son you have to give!
Bom of his raped mother,

Instinct did not forgive...
His name, with nemesis will rime,
Martyr of human decay!
I know all the secrets of time, opener of the ways.

(Nimim: ) You... Omen king, which face now sings

(H. Nafets: ) Theatre of hubris, curtain falls:

As emancipation leads to hubris,
A circle of war and peace
Will descend upon Akphaezya's history:
Freedom can't suffer all liberties!.

Now, remind me why you denied your clan?
"To be more human than human... "
Tell me, you expert in human nature,
Would you still apply for candidature?

(Nimim gives Khym to H. Nafets.
The baby and him disappears but a voice resounds... )

(H. Nafets: ) Μη χείρον βέλτιστον