Scene II: Υβρις (Characters: Saer/ Nimim) (Saer: ) Still inside of me... Legacy of army! What you dare to name fear is nothing compared To what makes me sneer... Old things of warfare! Fell down the veil: Muzzle of wails! Hear them scream again the songs of my honor, Melodies of pain... Composed in terror! My steel plume pen often wrote its score on males of your race, Sonorities I used to abuse... To do what? To do what? To do what? to do what? Face... While torture was creating new grins On the face of those who had no more skin... Guess what we did of bitches pilloried? After how many men a female bleeds? Your stench's rising straight to my soul... And I'm exalted Foul wench, you make me lose control... I'm so excited! Grabbing, digging deeper in you, that old thrills To release them.... Restart again, again and again I bury the coffin of all your wills On which Γ11 piss a hot acid rain (Nimim: ) Leave me... Sir, please! Let me! Oh, please... (Saer: ) Never tell anyone my nostalgic moment, Especially your husband, he would ask for atonement! Never tell anyone this victory instant... I'm sure you'll keep silent because it is what we want.. (Nimim: ) Old reeks of free hate embalmed Akphaezya's fate Now Inside, deep in me... Legacy of army! Love, alone when I fall, Will you dive and bring me back To slow vertigos, If mute, I can't echo... (Saer: ) What you dare to name fear Is nothing compared to what makes me sneer... Old things of warfare! (Nimim: )Fell down the veil: Muzzle of wails!