Face a trouble everyday Trying to walk away from a life of sorrow It's a struggle everyday Trying not to rob, cheat, steal or borrow I need to take it slow My heart is growing cold I'm trying to hide my feelings From the people that I know And everywhere I go I'm trying to lay low Can't afford to get in no trouble because I'm on parole I'm trying to live life right God knows with all my might But I'm just barely getting by 'Cause money's way too tight And I can say this right The struggle and the fight It's weakin' all the muscles in my body like kryptonite Making me feel like there is no other way But to hit the streets and get that dough Hoping and praying for a better day, so Face a trouble everyday Face a trouble everyday Trying to walk away from a life of sorrow It's a struggle everyday Trying not to rob, cheat, steal or borrow Streets, I ain't no longer on it Don't need feds all upon it I done left that life alone 'Cause all I did was impress, my homie! And then my conscience told me Careful you tendaroni Always complaining after I ain't never did She always lonely. So what am I to do Gotta get money for food, 'cause if she starves to death Then I gotta deal with her attitude And I in that type of mood 'cause I ain't type of dude It's bad enough, I gotta deal with all this I'm going thru It's making me feel like there is no other way But to hit streets and get that dough Hoping and praying for a better day, so Face a trouble everyday Trying to walk away from a life of sorrow It's a struggle everyday Trying not to rob, cheat, steal or borrow Face a trouble everyday Trying to walk away from a life of sorrow It's a struggle everyday Trying not to rob, cheat, steal or borrow Face a trouble everyday Trying to walk away from a life of sorrow It's a struggle everyday Trying not to rob, cheat, steal or borrow Face a trouble everyday Trying to walk away from a life of sorrow It's a struggle everyday Trying not to rob, cheat, steal or borrow