Normalization Blues


I can feel my brain a-changin' acclimating to the madness
I can feel my outrage shift into a dull, despondent sadness
I can feel a crust growing over my eyes like a falcon hood

I've got the normalization blues
This isn't normal, this isn't good

I'm detached and I'm distracted
All keyed up but unproductive
Vacillating between being all excited and disgusted
And then dozing lackadaisically in this bubble
Where I've made my mental home

Connection's more important now than it ever was
But I'd rather be alone

And when we talk about the president
We're either pissed off or we're giggling
About an atrocity he's committing
Or some stupid shit he's tweeting
He's a symptom and a weapon of the evil men
Who really run the show

The ones who meltdown human beings into money
Like a cruel sorcerer's stone

They try to divide us
And largely they're succeeding
'Cause they've undermined our confidence
In the news that we are reading
And they make us fight each other
With our faces buried deep inside our phones

Rest in peace to the information age
Those days are now long dead and gone

I can see the weather changing
And I can feel the soul decaying
I'm observing drastic changes
In the way we're all behaving
I can see the sooth they're saying
Furthermore, I could believe it to be true

Connection's more important now than it ever was
Buddy, what are you gonna do

This is the golden age of dick-otry
Probably the last golden age of anything

And the ugliest word in the English language is Anthropocene

Good luck, everybody
Good luck