Eguna hil da iadanik Ilargia oharaurreko tristuraz Agertu da. Gauaren edertasunak Sasiak laztantzen ditu errekalaino Mantu goxoaz, Haizeak sagarrondoak Astintzen ditu. Itzal fantasmagorikoak Irudikatzen dituelarik, Non hauetan pozaren altxorra Bere tristurarengatik Lortzen duen arlekin bat, Aurkitzen da eserita, Suaren ondoan, Sagar batekin eskuetan. Aiumeen Basotik Datorren negar goxo bat Entzun dezake. Baina arlekin nekatuak Nahiago du haizean ito Eta mundu materialeko Biktima baten zain egon, Bere tokia okupa dezan. Aiumeen basotik Datorren emakume eder bat Hurbiltzen zaio Senda malkartsutik, Beirazko errekak Lagundurik, Honek beharrezko duen jakinduria Eman diolarik kondenatuari Sinestarazteko. WOOD OF SCREAMS (HARLEQUIN) The day is dead already. The moon appears With the sadness of before going to bed. The beauty of the night Caresses the bushes until the river With its tender cloak. The wind shakes The apple trees. It forms Spooky shadows, Where the treasure of happiness Is achieved by the harlequin through his sadness. He sits down near it With an apple in his hand. He can hear A sweat cry Coming from the wood of screams. But the tired harlequin Prefers to drown in the wind And be waiting for a victim From the material world In order to occupy his place. A beautiful woman Is approaching From the wood of screams Through the steep slope, Assisted by the river of glasses, Because it gives The necessary wisdom For the condemned To believe.