Aidan and Melanie

Yahuah Heaven's Your Throne

Aidan and Melanie

Yahuah heaven's your throne and the earth, the earth your footstool

Life is yours
No-one can say: What have your done?
Life is yours
You don't answer to anyone

Your dominion is eternal
And you do as you please whit the people

Life is yours
Who in the world coud ever hold back your hand?
The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot comprehend

I will sing your praise
Praise Yahuah
Blessed be thy name
Forever and ever
Your people will say
Blessed be Yahuah
Every single day

You gave your son the name above all names
All who believe on it shall be saved

Life is yours
Your create the darkness
And your create the light
The beauty thar surrounds us
Is your design

And oh Yahuah heaven's your throne
And the earth, the earth your footstool

Life is yours
Who in the world could ever hold back your hand?
The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot comprehend it

I will sing your praise
Praise Yahuah
Blessed be thy name
Forever and ever
Your people will say
Blessed be Yahuah
Every single day