Aggressive Disorder

Vacation in Saigon

Aggressive Disorder

MIAs in stone display, they say there is no proof 
Taking lives for government 
A sad time for our youth 

Back here in the land of free 
Their lying in the sun 
Over there in the napalm air 
The war had just begun.... 

Political paws forced to play the game 
Took our young as expendable slave's 
Most came home in portable graves and the government had no shame.... 

Murderstones so neat in line for a war that wasn't ours 
Misery from memories 
For those who look back 
Forced to take the lives of children 
Screaming in their ears 
Became a piece of history, that fades throughout the year's 

Forgotten soldier lonely man 
Fought for life with gun in hand 
Haunting memories body's of friend's 
Lost in time in the Asian land's 

Political paws forced to play the game 
Took our young as expendable slaves 
Most came home in portable grave's, and the government had no shame.... 

Over 250,000 US soldier's met their fate in a foreign land and place. 
The "Lucky" ones who returned home were met with ridicule and disgust for the horror they went through and the crime's they were forced to commit, 
Those "ALIVE" today should be respected as the hero's they truly are, for saving their own lives, 
and the lives of their American brother's. 

"WE" treated them as if they murdered for sport, "WE" hated them for their actions when in "FACT" it was the "AMERICAN GOVERNMENT" who played executioner of innocent lives both "FOREIGN" and "AMERICAN". 
Those who came out "ALIVE" should not be treated as ink that fades in history's page's... 
They should be "HONORED" as "HERO"S for the "HELL" they paid, and the"HELL" their family's went through. "FORCED" against their will, "KILL OR BE KILLED" a choice to regret.... 
A regrettable cause that should never be blamed on the soldier's who were forced to "PLAY THE KILLING GAME!!!!