Aggressive Disorder

The Strength

Aggressive Disorder

You see the coming, it's cheated death 
You can't kill what cant be killed don't bet 
You would love to see it die, stronger then ever all powerful 
Strength within on overdrive 

A juggernaut that's become to intense 
Run you over crushing your defense 
A taste for blood, and the stage is set 
Razorbacks with no remorse, beat you down with crushing force 

Nothing and no one can stop was has become 
Nothing you gain but you try 
Your fight has been something, that 's turned into nothing 
Nothing can stop it wont die 

Ohhhhh...a wrecking back that destroys all that's weak 
Malicious is the company we keep 
Tapping nerves we wreck them all 
Hitting back vicious attack, been through hell and coming back 

Coming back!! 

Conquer your fear, and you'll conquer death!!!