Everyone's a critic, but hey they really respect your talent. Have your manager call my manager, they'll get the goods together. In this successive entertainment, there are certain confritations. It's a you give we take relation. No the kids wouldn't understand it. Come on now, how long do think this is really gonna last? On the inside. On the inside. On the inside. Do you wanna know how it feels on the inside? On the inside. On the inside. On the inside. Do you wanna know how it feels on the inside? We'll bordinate the marketing, label publicity touring. Consult the presentation, go ahead put this in context. It's 3 points on production, 15% to management, 10% to the agent, 5% to legal representation. We gotta a insurance, never make it as far as you can. Gotta make your money while you got the chance, do whatever it takes to sell it. On the inside. On the inside. On the inside. Do you wanna know how it feels on the inside? On the inside. On the inside. On the inside. Do you wanna know how it feels on the inside? Just how desperate can we be? Just how desperate can we be? Just how angry can we seem? Just how angry can we seem? Just how fucked up can it get? Just how fucked up can it get? Just how much can we bleed? Just how much can we bleed? We're completely irrelevant on LP and compact disk. On the inside. On the inside. On the inside. Do you wanna know how it feels on the inside? On the inside. On the inside. On the inside. Do you wanna know how it feels on the inside?