Whoa-oh-oh-oh Vacant lots and boarded up windows Garbage piled up at the curb There's a bank foreclosure notice taped to your front door Who else is to blame for your own short sighted fate, kid? What you could afford was never enough. You had to have more. And now you're facing this new reality You're learning lessons that can only be taught through poverty. Florida Dreaming. Easy money in the sunshine state. Florida Dreaming. The life you always wanted. Whoa-oh-oh-oh Million dollar Lehigh rise condominiums Look down over gold coast streams While Harrietta Hughes makes the President bore a hole Yeah, there's no end in sight, just a tropical third world Has the volume of wealth ever excused such abhorred gluttony? And now you're facing this new reality You're learning lessons that can only be taught through poverty. Florida Dreaming. Easy money in the sunshine state. Florida Dreaming. The life you've always wanted. Florida Dreaming. Florida Dreaming. Florida Dreaming. The life you've always wanted: Cut me offs.