Their life was just beginning, they didn`t know what`s fear The day was warm but cloudy, and their eyes were so clear But out in the alley, there was a man carrying a gun His mind was full of evil, thinking it must be done And he went in to the schoolhouse, and there they were, playing sixteen innocent children, sixteen innocent children Sick man with the rifle, tehy didn`n have the right to live sixteen innocent children, sixteen innocent children Their age was only seven, they had their lives ahead Now they`re in fields of heaven, because of that man they`re dead What is wrong with this man, can someone be so cruel? What is wrong with the people, can someone be so cruel? Under my skin is the devil, under my skin is the devil That`s why I`m doing what I do Under my skin is the devil, under my skin is the devil That`s why I don`t care is it me or is it you