Demon of sadness come to me, Come and bless this feast. Curse on my fallen dreams, Bleeding fantasy. Go! Suicide masterpiece, No other way. Can not face this, This reality I have found. Venom over my thoughts, I drink blood. Gathering ravens, Forming a circle, ha ha ha Can not face this, This reality I have found. Venom is mine, I drink blood, 'cause I drink blood. Rust on my memories, My strong young body Is rejecting... The days I past, The days I last, The days of horror. The suns of time, The suns of lies, Are beating low, The suns of time are beating Slow... Now, sitting in the dark, Listening the burning fire talk, Looking for a path through life, Alone I walk. Looking, no mark behind, Just embroidered name, On still unborn new child.