After Therapy


After Therapy

"Who are you?" she asked curiously, turning her head to look into his eyes. She could 
tell from the returned gaze that he was not one who divulged that kind of information. 
"We never met." 
He was gone before she had a chance to register his movement; a wisp of wind carried 
him away. 
introduction © 2000 Kathryn L. Kerr 

hunger brings the gruesome pain 
thirst quenched life into the veins 
void of life but spared demise 
drink from me of those who die 

hunger brought by mortal end 
rise from death to live the sin 
abominate the decree 
laws of men spat on by me 

come to me in darkness-in thirst's relentless grip 
it trickles down your throat-euphoric bliss 
come to me in weakness-and I will give you life 
drink from the vial eternal cursed kiss 

take your leave and best forget 
time place night of when we met 
should you worship me? I nod 
what can I say I'm a God 

Dealer is inspired by a character in the Kathryn L. Kerr novel "Vampyr Snyper"