An unfullfilled creator grieves, as he witness his kingdom’s decay Angels were not the brothers that once made him proud A new beggining in sight, a new race rises A new chance to establish his thoughts The humankind, born to redeeme his mistakes...once again [chorus:] Vulnerable, mortal, but with incredibly passioned hearts Humankind, holders of god's gift of creation and love As consequence the dark one speaks, He won’t let god enslave humankind A call for revenge, to every dark angel, was heard But opposition was found, towards the war Because for the elders, their wisdom it defies The dark one must find, a new source of loyalty and help...once again [chorus:] Vulnerable, mortal, but with incredibly passioned hearts Humankind, holders of god's gift of creation and love Towards heaven they will march Now that the alliance is found They will fight, humans and dark ones, allied To cause god’s empire’s demise No one, not even the eye Will keep them from being united...and there they go...