Hollow your eyes Hollow your soul Hollow your bones Hollow your skull You are my fallen prince now The more I adored you The more I hated you afterwards But now there is nothing left for me Of your blackening embrace I will tread my own paths now And leave you miles behind From here to eternity I want to torture your soul You want to torture my soul Like you tortured mine Like I tortured yours I want you to burn You want me to burn In the flames of my hellIn the flames of your hell You killed my passion Distinguished my fire You took me higher and higher And then dropped me From the highest cliff Into an ocean of tears Pull your hairs out, all of them Stick your eyes out, both of them I will rape you Rip your nipples, both of them Smash your balls, both of them I will rape you My soul, like a flower … withered Drowning, in a flood of tears As I cry now, for you Hollow your eyes Hollow your soul Hollow your bones Hollow your skull Pull your hairs out Stick your eyes out Rip your nipples Smash your balls I will rape you I will rape you