I could make 'em all dance, or I could sleep I could walk with a limp and make your step feel incomplete people are made of match sticks, light this bread a flames note at the craft work door the last smirk of the the Damien mainframe my box cost siphon third rail juice from lost poets inhabit ocean bottoms with a bitter rotten scapegoat pardons (note to self) don't bargain at martyr parliament rallies where participants squeeze your last giggle then whittle sacrificial finalies I can tie my new faces alone, save your knee deep offerings sorta bring puke coughing bunk persona to light (I might) build ?? railroads, find you, and lay tracks adjacent just to scream "fuck off" as the engine pulls out the station what should we do with a thousand drunken sailors? "kill 'em all, locate their family address, release a mailer" (dear sir or madam, your son or daughter's embarrassed human kind consuming booze and gut fuel, till they cruised across the line) I spin gold, your raps are dirty lapsed towards the nursery class act impression of a bubble (yeah I could of been more subtle when polluting paradise gene puddle) man huddles make us look like cool peeps and I'm trying to school sheep