Aeons Of Old

Reign of War

Aeons Of Old

Violent gods 
Appear in the sky 
In burning chariots 
As bright as a thousand suns 
The earth shook 
The sky wept 
Grotesque display 
Of might divine 
Destroyers of worlds 
Creators of life 
Came saw and conquered 
With all their might 
Supreme Immortals 
Reign over millions 
Conquering the universe 
With knowledge comes power 
With power comes will 
The will to live 
The will to destroy 
Face to face 
Gods opposed 
As ancient war 
For territory 
The dices are cast 
In the game of war 
The war of the gods 
Gods who destroy 
Flesh to ashes - death 
The cancer spreads 
Radioactive waste