
Sword & Scythe


Rattle of metal, sounds of preparation
Horses have been saddled for the ride
Retinue is leaving the village
Women and children waving farewell to warriors

Dusk hides the battlefield
The opposites: Two endless walls of spears
The silent moment before conflict - like an eternity

Horns break the silence, warcries follow on
Beat of the drums rapid as heartbeats
Morale to men, death to foes
Victory for home, honour for the fallen ones

Muddy ground, pounding sound
Armies are on their way to face each others
Collision; hearing ripping din
It has started, scythe mowing down mercilessly

Dawn reveals the grey garden, decorated by massacre
Broken shields, bashed helmets, ragged banners,
Cadavering corpses when the day breaks the garden reveals
The ones whose time has become to be
Decomposed broken swords, crude armours,
Ragged pennants, cadavering corpses

No fear, cold steel warms hand, sowing fear
Sword and scythe: Our coat of arms is sowing fear,
Making it real

We have gained a final victory with their lives
Glory be to them who never returned
Remember our heroes, remember spirit, how they faced steel
You will remain in our hearts

Cortege, memorial, memorial ceremony, memoirs, memories
In our hearts, in our minds
History, memorial, memorial ceremony, memoirs, memories
In our minds, in our hearts