On the dance floor On the dance floor Somebody's blown by the wind In a car chase In a car chase Somebody's going to win In the jungle In the jungle Somebody's singing a hymn In the temple In the temple Somebody's ready to sin And the slave of the rich man beats his wife As the poet of darkness falls on his own knife And somebody's saying stop looking for your life For whoever finds it will surely lose it But we are so respectable Civilization has conquered our minds Waiting in line for the end of the world Fools with too much time On my doorstep On my doorstep Somebody's looking for a score In the courthouse In the courthouse Somebody's pissing on the poor On the radio On the radio Someone will not give up the floor On the internet On the internet Somebody's privatized the war And the children in the classroom learn to not think twice As the church on the hill is crucifying Christ And the ones that he loves most are now paying the price They've been done unto by all the others But we can't be responsible Like any good actors we've learned our lines Waiting for someone to tell us we're right Fools with too much time Fools with too much time On a jet plane On a jet plane Somebody's scared to look down In Africa In Africa Somebody's nailed to the ground In the holy land In the holy land Someone believes he will be found In America In America Nobody's making a sound There's a rumor going round that all the rumors are true And the political tabloids are tangled up in blue Big Brother's only watching, the rest is up to you For man cannot live on bread alone But we are much too practical So it goes is our favorite way to die Waiting for heaven but settling for church Fools with too much time