


Frozen darkness takes hold of me,
Where is the corrupt soul?
I can't believe that barändir lied!

The evil fog is slowly dissipating, releasing the
People from ice from their deathly slumber.

Frozen darkness takes hold of me,
Where is the corrupt soul?
I can't believe that barändir lied!

Oh! take up arms! where is the enchantress elewin?
People from ice! is it true barändir serves thoed?

Frozen darkness takes hold of me,
Where can i find this barändir?
He'll be sorry for his betrayal!

Revenge will be taken,
His time will come.
No presumption of innocence,
Thanks to you elewin!
Let them believe our union with the people of
Ice failed;
The knights of ice are already gathering
On the frozen plains of elhanor, elhanor!

Frozen darkness takes hold of me,
Where can i find this barändir?
He'll be sorry for his betrayal!

Elewin's revelation, elewin's revelation!

Tragicus animus ignoblis
Perjurus, insanus proditor!

I can't believe that barändir lied...