Indulgently I kiss the embers mouth. Invicting, the old pain to return. For I cannot sustain the rythm of slaughter. Without it. Now caught by the fine net, of a chaotic domain. I have found its centre, for it knows my pain. Hungers awareness we run for the edge. Dropping like fever, through the damson bled. Cool as infinity, this violet knife, a blurred haze crowds, like the confusion outside. As we forget shame and are ripe. PUNISH ME ! For my ritualistc needs. And Banish ME ! To worlds where the vicious feed. A wasted torrent, of an embodiment forged. A blood filled mouth, the demon, flesh gorged. The pleasure of knowing, the seduction of steel. Relentless, thick breaths As I draw his throat. Cease, cease. Indulgently I kiss the embers mouth. Invicting, the old pain to return.