Admiral Fallow


Admiral Fallow

I got your message, it made me jump from my seat
My heart near missed a beat
I had to hear her voice to calm me down

We know we've not exactly been the best of brothers
But you ain't got no others
We'll have to work this out just you and we

And the only thing we ask is that you let us be alone
We'll be up on our feet soon

Take no heed of those who put you on a downhill pushbike
Telling you something like
The world needs ditch diggers too

So smoke another coffin nail
Sing 'til you're hoarse and we'll be there of course
To carry you on our shoulders through the streets

And the only thing we ask is that you let us be alone
We'll be up on our feet soon

So take those kid gloves off
Give the world a standing eight count
Cause here we come

And the only thing we ask is that you let us be alone
We'll be up on our feet soon

And the only thing we ask is that you let us be alone
We'll be up on our feet soon