I'd be bricken if I was hoopen and tricken if I was usin' See this whole thing about bein' a woman, is too flippen confusin Follow my heart and get ridiculed, it's useless To be or not to be doin the act of reproducin Losin cause i'm puttin up walls to protect from the nonsense Then gettin called a bitch when defending its usage Screw it, I've been moving thru so much shit its like I'm swimmin in sewage Got the student's askin Who is this Constantly brewin, very fluent lyricist Flowin with the fluid of ecstasy's incitement Enlightenment choice Rockin the mic proven Find them amusin, those assumin They are my night in shinnin armor Fighten with lighten then rustin after the first half an hour but the power of my turntables have yet to rust Bust more than double Ds. . .Stuck more than bumble bees with the honey that troubles me Sting em to their knees while these string or words take flight Insight to ignite the bags of past wreckage exact lessons Yeah right kid Answers to these questions are not in black and white So then I write letting my pen decide that the tendencies will be my guide And the cycles will be broke when i grow up No matter how high I rise, it'll never be enough Unconditional love for self first is what I search SO when I flow rough, the strength is in the words adverse from the hurt, i.n.tense is the curse a work in progress come'n up on the world Grain of sand that I am Blossoms the true diamond in the rough The pearl.