Captain: Set sail! Boatman: Crashing through waves, plowing through the sea, The men of the Vagrant Heart begin their journey. Our course now plotted! The Wind at our backs! Setting out to help our people; there’s no looking back! Crew: Sail On! A squall approaches Sail On! Be at your ease. Sail On! Men at the ready Sail On! Through stormy seas. Boatman: We’ll meet these men and barter for our lives. We won’t return empty handed; freedom is our prize. Liberty or nothing! We’re free or we fight! I see my peoples’ future come into sight. Crew: Sail On! Boarder down the hatches Sail On! Be at your ease. Sail On! Tighten up the bowline Sail On! Through stormy seas. Warrior: I hear quiet mutterings of whiskey and beer, Their work now done until first light. Ten large barrels raised from the stores. They unveiled to me their hidden delights. Sea Captain: Come here lad, I like your hat. Sit down with me and have a drink. Did you hear the one about the ghost of Abigail Macree? Said she’s thrown right off the ship into a whales waiting mouth! Now she haunts the sea, Looking for her husband, the drunken’ lout. Have you heard the one about the monster that swallows ships whole? Says it smells like depths of hell And ten times the size of a troll! I’ll just dance and dance and sing and drink until I’m sick. Then no ghoulies will get me, that’ll be me trick! But wait! Off the port bow! Tentacles as long as ten men! And the stench of death upon it! This is it lads! The worst creature in the sea! Man the harpoons and let’s test our metal! Fatal and gory Blood and glory Harpoons and spears attack! Lacerations Minor abrasions Its skin is just too thick! Sea Captain: Step up boy! Warrior: Creature from the depths of hell! I’ll gut you from head to tail! You will be my first kill! Creature bleeding, Some one’s screaming, I slash blindly away! Berserker rage, I cut away, Covered in its blood! Sea Captain: The creature’s dead boy Now come aboard Our destination approaches Land HO!