Adam Sandler

Sex Or Weight Lifting

Adam Sandler

[Adam Sandler]: 
Hey how ya doin'? My name's Barry Lakin and I'm here with the man on the street 

This weeks's show is a doozy man, it really is. I went around the country 
with my tape recorder and I taped different people having sex. I would just sit 
outside their bedroom windows without anybody knowin' and I would press record 
and these people would wail away on each other man they would really go at it 
and I captured it on tape. Also I went around the country and I taped people in 
weight rooms workin' out man. I would just sit there with my tape recorder, 
press record, and these people would have themselves a workout man and I got 
that on tape. Now I'm gonna play these tapes for people on the street and see 
if they know the difference between people working out and people havin' sex. 
Sir, what's your name? 

Hi, how ya doin'? My name's Gregory Miner. 

[Adam Sandler]: 
Oh terrific. My name's Barry Lakin. 

Uh huh 

[Adam Sandler]: 
And let me tell you what I did man. I went around the country and taped people 
having sex 

Uh huh 

[Adam Sandler]: 
I also taped people workin' out in a weight room man. I'm gonna play one of the 
two tapes for you right now 


[Adam Sandler]: 
You dig? You tell me which of the two they're doin' okay? Workin' out or havin' 

Yeah I got ya 

[Adam Sandler]: 
Alright I'm pressing the play button...Now.